Useful ADRCI Commands In Oracle

ADRCI is the command line interface for diagnostic utility used for viewing diagnostics data like listener log , alert log ,incident and cor dump etc and creating incident packages. Below are the the list of useful commands. 1. Get current  base location:( Also known as ADR_BASE) adrci> show base ADR base is “/u01/app/oracle/” 2. Set new…

Solving An Unusual Oracle Upgrade Issue

by Jim Okla January 27, 2015 Posted in: How To I recently came across a very unusual situation. During an upgraded review, I noticed the dba_registry_sqlpatch was empty when it shouldn’t be: SQL> select patch_id, patch_uid, version, action, action_time, status, description from dba_registry_sqlpatch; no rows selected SQL> The expected output should be (from another CDB…