Google’s quantum supremacy is only a first taste of a computing revolution “Quantum supremacy” is nice, but more broadly useful quantum computers are probably still a decade away.

A Google quantum computer has far outpaced ordinary computing technology, an achievement called quantum supremacy that’s an important milestone for a revolutionary way of processing data. Google disclosed the results in the journal Nature on Wednesday. The achievement came after more than a decade of work at Google, including the use of its own quantum computing chip, called Sycamore.…

Verizon’s 5G network is available in (parts of) Dallas and Omaha It’s now available in 15 cities.

Verizon (Engadget’s parent company) has expanded its 5G Ultra Wideband coverage to Dallas and Omaha, Nebraska. The service is now available in 15 cities, including Denver, Atlanta, DC, Detroit, Indianapolis and New York. As we’ve seen firsthand, though, these rollouts don’t mean coverage across the entire city. It can be hard to find spots with 5G, and the signal fades…

What is a Hypervisor? Types of Hypervisors 1 & 2

Server virtualization currently is a trending topic in the IT world. Its popularity and adoption keeps growing, especially in enterprise environments. What makes virtualization possible are hypervisors. Server virtualization allows different operating systems running separate applications on one server while still using the same physical resources. These virtual machines make it possible for a system and…

Setting Up Table Replication In Goldengate

In this below tutorial, we will setup one-way goldengate replication for below two tables from database SRCDB to TRGDB. PRESPLAY.EMP; PRESPLAY.DEPT; PREREQUISITE: Make sure the goldengate installation is completed and manager process is running on both source and target hosts. 1. Enable supplemental logging for those tables.[SOURCE] 2. Prepare extract parameter file[ SOURCE ] Here –…

Solving An Unusual Oracle Upgrade Issue

by Jim Okla January 27, 2015 Posted in: How To I recently came across a very unusual situation. During an upgraded review, I noticed the dba_registry_sqlpatch was empty when it shouldn’t be: SQL> select patch_id, patch_uid, version, action, action_time, status, description from dba_registry_sqlpatch; no rows selected SQL> The expected output should be (from another CDB…